Free Invoice Generator by InvoiceQuick

Free invoice generator for small businesses, freelancers, and startups.
Look professional & get paid faster.
Add your company and customer information.
Enter your invoice items, taxes and costs.
Download a PDF or email your invoice

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Simplify invoicing, save time, and stay organized with an Invoicequick account. Set it up in seconds and start collecting payments on autopilot.

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How to generate an invoice

Below you will find six important sections and best practices for generating a free invoice.
Please note that not all fields are required.

Invoice numbering and dates

1. Invoice number
Create a unique invoice number for each invoice to avoid accounting errors.
2. Invoice issued & due date
The invoice date is the day you issue the invoice. The due date is when you expect to receive payment on the invoice.
3. Invoice date format
Pick the correct date format depending on where in the world you do business.

Job name and logo upload

4. Job description
Be descriptive to let the client know what the invoice is for.
5. Logo upload
Look more professional by adding your logo to your invoice. You can upload a PNG, JPG, or GIF up to 10MB.

Company, customer and currency info

6. Bill from information
Make sure to add the correct company information to prevent payment delays.
7. Bill to information
Enter all the information you have on your customer. To automate this process and just add a customer once, create an account with us.
8. Invoice currency
Select the currency you’re billing the customer in. This currency will also show on their invoice view and PDFs.

Adding invoice items

9. Item or task name
This field summarizes the item you’re invoicing for. The task is used if you’re charging for time instead of by item.
10. Cost of item
This is the total cost of one item. If you have more, add it to the quantity, which will calculate for you.
11. Item quantity
Add the count of the items you’re invoicing. If you’re billing for time, enter the number of hours here.
12. Item description
Be specific with what you’re charging for to prevent confusion and payment delays.
13. Line item tax
Since some items are not taxable in some countries, here you can add tax names and rates on an item level.
14. Line item discount
To discount an invoice on an item level, add the discount here. You choose between a percentage or a flat rate.
15. Adding more line items
When you have more than one line item per invoice, just click to add a line and it will create another blank item for you.
16. Total line item price
The total price will show the cost x quantity + taxes - discounts for that item. It is the final number for that line item.
17. Delete line item
To delete a line item, simply click the trash can. Deleted items can not be undone. To re-arrange, click the dots on the left of item.

Payment terms, totals, and notes

18. Payment terms
Adding payment terms makes it easy for your customer to understand the terms of getting paid, such as payment method or due dates.
19. Client notes
Give your invoice a personal touch by adding a note to your customer, maybe thanking them for their business :)
20. Invoice subtotal
The subtotal will show the total of all line items in that invoice, including taxes and discounts.
21. Invoice discount total
This will show exactly how much was discounted on the entire invoice. If the number is 0, this field will not show on your customer invoices.
22. Discounting the entire invoice
Add an additional discount to the entire invoice. We recommend either discounting by line item or on the total invoice, but not both, to reduce confusion.
23. Invoice total
This is the final sum after calculating everything above and is what the customer is expected to pay.
24. Invoice amount due
The amount due shows the balance left on this invoice. If the customer has already made a payment on the invoice, it will be reflected here.

Payment stubs

25. Showing payment stubs
Click “Show Payment Stub” to add a second page to your invoice for customers who intend to pay by check.
26. Payment stub info
The information on the payment stub will show your company information and the amount due on this invoice to the customer.

Frequently Asked Question

How many invoice can I generate?

Using our invoice generator, you can create, send, and download unlimited invoices.

Will my clients see InvoiceQuick on my invoices?

No. Your invoice is white-labeled and your customers will only see your information on the invoice. Our generated invoices are 100% unbranded.