How personalized emails for your clients improve cash flow?

How personalized emails for your clients improve cash flow?

Your clients' inbox, and probably yours, is under "siege" every day. Personalization of email is necessary to stand out in the sea of ​​sent messages and the fastest way to benefit your business.

In this blog, we'll list the most crucial steps for successful personalization of the emails for your clients and what you need to pay attention to when sending them. 

How does email personalization benefit your business? 

For a successful business, a good recipe is to always keep in mind the individuality of each client and to use a personalized message every time you address them. Each of your clients is unique and has different goals and specific interests. Email personalization involves using the information you have about a client to enhance the power and impact of your email. 

Instead of sending generic emails that may refer to anyone, use your client's name or any other information you have to persuade them to open your email. The reason is simple - no one wants to be treated like one of many, but everyone likes to feel special. Therefore personalized emails will get a faster opening, clicking, and responding, which is crucial when you send emails that include invoices as attachments. 

What you can personalize in the mail

The field: From 

Everyone will open an email coming from a known sender or a specific person. Therefore, instead of the brand name, you can use your name.

Subject field

In addition to the sender's name, the subject is what the user sees without opening the mail. Use it to get the attention of the client and arouse their curiosity. For example, when sending important emails such as invoice emails, always include an Invoice tag in the subject line. 

Email body text

In the body text, be more informative, emphasize the values ​​you provided. Also, try to be as short as possible because no one wants to scroll and read novels in the email. 

Email personalization in this section is easy to achieve if you know your customer's information. But, first, input all the essential details by writing the way your clients usually speak and use the tone they are used to. 

When you’re sending an important email such as invoice email, be sure to use tags, such as: [total_amount], [due_date], [issued_date], [transaction_amount], [customer_name]. The form of your email body could look like this: 

Dear [customer_name], 

Thank you for your business, always a pleasure to work with you! 

We have generated a new invoice in the amount of [amount_due] 

We would appreciate payment of this invoice by [due_date]

To implement the personalized email in the right way, it is necessary to prepare well first. Here is how to do it: 

  • Plan ahead

A good plan is half of the execution. If you know in advance what is needed, it will be easier for you to set and achieve goals, organize data and execute your plans with minimal mistakes. Ask yourself what you want to achieve, what information do you need, and how to perform.

  • Collect data

To personalize your Emails, you need to have information about the clients. You can collect this data through questionnaires, through the process of customer care, talking to clients, monitoring the information you receive through social networks, website analytics et cetera. 

  • Automate the process

Let's say you need to send 100 personalized emails in one month. Of course, this is not something you will do manually. You need to automate the whole process. When it comes to the most important email you can send, an invoice email, you can use invoicing software, which will practically do all the work once you set your company profile and client list right. 

An additional benefit is the predefined templates that online invoicing services provide. Now you can easily create outstanding personalized emails as quickly and professionally as it gets. 

  • Be precise

Personalized email is a support pillar in communication with clients. So be creative, unique, and offer people something original and striking. Be precise, give all crucial details, and don't forget to include information about payment due dates for invoicing emails. This way, you'll sound more professional, and you'll save your and your client's time and avoid late payments. 

  • Track results and test

It's not enough to create and send an email. It is necessary to monitor what effect it has achieved and whether there is anything you can improve. You can turn on email notifications and push notifications to track when your email is opened, viewed, or clicked. And then test and test until you figure out which personalized email template works best for your business. 

How can InvoiceQuick speed up your email personalization process? 

InvoiceQuick offers several features to make email personalization more accessible and quicker.

InvoiceQuick's email templates allow you to set a default invoice text for each of your clients. Also, you can prefill the fields with your client's name, address, email, phone, and additional information. As a result, it saves your time, and your clients get emails faster.

To personalize your emails, you have five email templates to choose from:
1. Invoice email template 

2. Estimate email template 

3. Payment receipt email template

4. Recurring invoice email template
5. Invoice reminders email template

You can customize all three templates according to your preferences.

InvoiceQuick's invoice email template has predefined tags for invoice amounts, date, and payment due date. All you need to do is select the appropriate field, select the text you want to insert, and that's it.

Email templates in InvoiceQuick allow you to set a default email text for all of your clients.


What are the benefits of using "you" in your subject line?

The subject line is the first thing the recipient sees when opening an email. It is the subject line that will determine whether the recipient will open the email or not. Therefore, use it to your advantage. 

To personalize email subject lines, you should include a format: [firstname] [lastname]. Using this approach, you can attract recipients' attention because they'll see a familiar name and appreciate the personal touch. In addition, according to the statistics, the subject line is the most crucial part that determines whether the recipient will open the email or not.

What's the difference between a personalized email and a personalized template?

The difference between the two is that an email template is a set of predesigned emails sent out to all customers. On the other hand, a personalized email is a message addressed to a specific person containing the information detailed to the recipient. Personalizing an email is more straightforward than creating an email template. But, it depends on how much data you have about the client and what information can be personalized.

Is email personalization important?

Email personalization is a strategy that attracts attention and increases response rates. In addition, it allows recipients to recognize the sender. This is not only important for small businesses but also large corporations. Any company that wants to grow needs to personalize its communication with customers.

How to personalize your emails?

You can personalize your emails using specific tags, such as: [total_amount], [due_date], [issued_date], [transaction_amount], [customer_name]. In addition to tags, you can also add personalized information in the email body text. In this way, recipients will feel more special, and your emails will become more valuable.

Can I personalize the email body text?

Yes, you can. Email personalization is not only using tags but also the personalization of the body text. In the body text, try to be as informative as possible, emphasize the values you provide and be as short as possible.

What are the benefits of personalized emails? 

Personalized emails help recipients to recognize the sender. This means they are more motivated to open and read emails. Personalized emails also give customers the feeling that they are essential. It is easier for customers to respond to emails with personalized information.

Is email personalization complex?

Email personalization is not complex. All you need is the proper strategy, planning, and time. But, if you want to customize the email templates you generate automatically, it is essential to use the right software.

What is email personalization?

Email personalization is a strategy that attracts attention and increases response rates. In addition, it helps recipients to recognize the sender. 

What are the best practices for personalizing emails?

1. Plan ahead

2. Collect data

3. Automate the process

4. Be precise

5. Track results and test

6. Use proper software

Email personalization allows business owners to stand out from the crowd of competitors. By creating personalized emails, you can increase the number of opened emails. 

Ready to automate your invoicing?

Online invoicing software will help you create and send personalized invoices within a few clicks. Start using InvoiceQuick now, and personalize your invoices without writing a word. 

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